07 Aug Shocking truths about shocking devices

We get a lot of pleas from people who do not know how to help their dog and ask us to rehab or rehome. A typical sequence of events: The family has been totally unable to manage their Catahoula or Catahoula Mix (or what they at least have been told or think is the breed of their dog). We are happy to try to help. Many of these people, in desperation, resort to a common device known as a “training collar” (shock collar or e-collar), but are mystified when the problem behavior doesn’t resolve, gets worse, or new problem behaviors emerge.

The truth is that shocking devices cause a lot of harm to a dog’s nervous system and their level of trust with humans; as a result, behavioral issues erupt for the worst and not the better. Owners do not realize the harm these devices cause, and we are not criticizing but rather educating emphatically here. I had electric shock treatment long ago for sinus infections, I well remember how they affected me for weeks afterwards. I also was married to an an electrician; every time he had electric shocks even mild ones, it affected his nerves and he was the calmest man I know. It is a proven fact that dogs’ nervous systems are much more sensitive than humans’.

These devices are touted to be “training collars”, and trainers who are contacted often resort to this quick fix because owners hire them to “fix it now”– but it is the wrong thing to do. There is always conflict about “training collars” and maybe there always will be. The residual results of shock collar training on intelligent, working breeds or any dog for that matter, can cause them to go into an instinctual survival mode, with edginess, extreme reactivity and more. Research backs these findings. Dogs often can and will re-direct onto another pet/dog or children in the family; it is quick and it is sporadic at first and many dogs are euthanized with the tag “AGGRESSIVE” because of it. WRONGLY EUTHANIZED, WRONGLY EVALUATED because humans set them up to be hurt, scared and to ultimately fail. Please know that quick fix devices are not the answer to behavior issues.

We have been taught that these magic devices work. They often do, but with lots of harm in their wake. They are inhumane and the dog never forgets the lesson and these devices are effective but harmful. NO BARK COLLARS, SHOCK COLLARS, OR INVISIBLE FENCES PLEASE. Lets clearly understand that these need to be left out of our dogs’ world, period. Some dogs can be rehabbed after this type of “fix” is applied, but some cannot and it is not their fault. We have placed well over 1,000 dogs and rehabbed many more than that in nearly two decades and we just cannot in good conscience agree to electric devices on dogs, as we have seen damage over and over again, some irreversible. THIS PRACTICE NEEDS TO STOP FOREVER!!

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