Boulder (Washington)

Adoption Status
In need of adoption, In need of foster home
About This Dog

This senior really could use a forever home to finish out the time he has left. He appreciates being saved, but the husband says no to him staying where he is. If interested in fostering or fostering with intent to adopt please call Janeen, or if wanting to adopt please put in a foster or adopt application below and we will call you and visit about him.

Boulder is approximately 10 years old, a stray that wandered into the area where his now foster family was camping. His age of 10 (a guess as of Aug 2024) is as close as we can get. He is neutered, up to date on vaccination. HW tested and negative. He is totally house broken. He on Heartguard Plus prevention. He is a Catahoula possibly Mountain Cur mix. He has had dog company in his foster home and he was good with all but one which was a large fiery standard poodle who was obnoxious with no manners. He lives with a female Aussie/Kelpie mix, though at first he did not know how to play with her but now they are great pals. Non resident dogs his size that are run easy females that might be a good mix for him. We suggest no males and definitely not mannerless dogs. He needs time to get acquainted with any new dogs. He does live with a cat and so far that has gone well. At this point it is trial thing, the reason being him just so short a time in his current foster home. He has not been around children in his current home, so children are probably not a good mix for him.We just don’t know. He loves the car and will get in and he would just as soon stay there. He is not car savvy even around cars when he is near them on the ground. He can’t be trusted not to get in the path of a moving vehicle. He is fine with veterinarian visits. He has seen five different vets and had no problems with any of them. He gets along with most visitors and charms them, however he has a mental block with the man of the house where he lives. This is the reason for re-homing him. He is good on leash though not perfect. Manageable. He has no interest in toys and is more leary and afraid of them, possibly in his past, seems to be the squeaky in them that frightens him. He is a good companion dog and prefers to kind of hang out with his human he trusts. He loves neck rubs. If he wants to come in or has a want he barks, he is a reasonable alert dog with new things in the area, but not excessive. He does fine with nail trims and he does fine at the groomers. Because of his age he does have some health issues so please read bio clear to the end for more detail. He is crate broke as he has been fed in the crate, he isn’t crazy about it but is accepting of it. It would be good to continue with that.

HISTORY: Boulder was in Boulder, Utah at 9600 feet. He wandered into a camp of some people from Washington. So it was obvious that he was starving and had been some time on his own. He appeared at that time to have been abused and now he is much more secure and evolving into a more trusting companion. So the kind good Samaritans took him home and vetted him fully including neuter and he has steadily adjusted and is doing exceptionally much better. Because of his aversion to the man of the house we all feel he would be better in another situation. Husband is leary of Boulder and so it creates tension in him to stay with this family. He has been in his new environment for about 9 months.

GOOD: He is so loving and just wants to be bonded and loved by his special human. He is appreciative of him settling into a new home and he is happy and contented. He loves his female dog friend. He will miss her but we hope he can find another to play with. He has a pretty good energy level still at his age.

BAD: The only really bad thing about him is that he doesn’t like the man of the house. He was resource guarding his food near the man’s coffee and the man did not see the dog food and reached for his coffee and Boulder bit him. There was no blood and it was more of a snap and warning. No broken skin. He is kept away from the man of the home as the man does not want contact with him. He has been fine with every other person that has visited to date. Boulder has bad hips and during the initial settle in time with his new home, right after neuter and vetting had taken place he was being dried off by the man of the home vigorously when he got well, and he growled at the man and that was the beginning of their dislike for each other which has escalated. There is bad energy between the two of them. As for his health issues, it appears to be hearing and vision deficit, which are taking place as well as hip problems and while some of it could be genetic weakness, he does have an old scar on his hip which appears to have been possibly from a vehicle incident. After all he was a stray and also he is a coming senior.

UGLY: The only ugly thing is the bite incident. He was a stray, he was new in the household. Could have had some past association that triggered it.. but it was not a real b

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